C.I. Food Red 5

Chemical NameC.I. Food Red 5
Synonym(s)1695 Red | 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 4-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-, disodium salt | Acid Leather Red KPR | Acid Leather Red P 2R | Acid Leather Scarlet IRW | Acid Ponceau 2RL | Acid Ponceau R | Acid Ponceau Special | Acid Red 26 | Acid Scarlet | Acid Scarlet 2B | Acid Scarlet 2R | Acid Scarlet 2RL | Acidal Ponceau G | Ahcocid Fast Scarlet R | Aizen Ponceau RH | Amacid Lake Scarlet 2R | C.I. 16150 | Calcocid Scarlet 2R | Calcolake Scarlet 2R | Certicol Ponceau MXS | Colacid Ponceau Special | D and C Red No. 5 | Edicol Supra Ponceau R | Fenazo Scarlet 2R | Food Red 5 | Hexacol Ponceau 2R | Hexacol Ponceau MX | Hidacid Scarlet 2R | Kiton Ponceau 2R | Kiton Ponceau R | Kiton Scarlet 2RC | Lake Scarlet 2RBN | Lake Scarlet R | Naphthalene Lake Scarlet R | Naphthalene Scarlet R | Naphthazine Scarlet 2R | Neklacid Red RR | New Ponceau 4R | Paper Red HRR | Pigment Ponceau R | Ponceau 2R | Ponceau 2R Extra A Export | Ponceau 2RL | Ponceau 2RX | Ponceau BNA | Ponceau G | Ponceau MX | Ponceau PXM | Ponceau R | Ponceau RR | Ponceau RR Type 8019 | Ponceau RS | Ponceau Red R | Scarlet 2R | Scarlet 2RB | Scarlet 2RL Bluish | Scarlet R | Scarlet RAA | Tertracid Ponceau 2R | Xylidine Ponceau | Xylidine Ponceau 2R | Xylidine Red
De minimis Limit %0.1
M,P/OU Threshold (lb)25,000/10,000
Listing TypeIndividually listed chemical
Effective Date01-JAN-87
Chemical QualifierNo
Chemical of Special ConcernNo
Per- or Polyfluoroalkyl SubstanceNo

Basis of OSHA Carcinogens

Structural image
Structural representation of C.I. Food Red 5