
Chemical NameCopper
Synonym(s)1721 Gold | Allbri Natural Copper | Anac 110 | Arwood copper | C 10200 | C 11000 | C 1100P | C 12200 | C.I. 77400 | C.I. Pigment Metal 2 | CA 122 | CDA 101 | CDA 102 | CDA 110 | CDA 122 | CE 1110 | CE 115 | Copper M 1 | Copper Powder | Copper element | Cu 102 | Cu M2 | Cu M3 | CuEPP | DCuP1 | E 115 | E 115 (metal) | E-Copper | E-Cu57 | GE 1110 | Kafar copper | M 1 | M 3 | M3R | M3S | OFHC | OFHC Copper | OFHC Cu | Rame | Raney copper | TAI | TCuP1 | TTAI
De minimis Limit %1
M,P/OU Threshold (lb)25,000/10,000
Listing TypeIndividually listed chemical
Effective Date01-JAN-87
Chemical QualifierNo
Chemical of Special ConcernNo
Per- or Polyfluoroalkyl SubstanceNo

Rulemaking Changes Affecting This Chemical

StatusEffective Reporting YearFR Proposed RuleFR Final Rule
Denial of petition to delist———No proposed rule for this action61 FR 54381 (10/18/1996)

Default Percentages for Section 6.1 Transfers

% of §6.1 to §:
Structural image
Structural representation of Copper