Hydrochloric acid

Chemical NameHydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size)
Qualifieracid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size
Synonym(s)Anhydrous hydrochloric acid | Chlorohydric acid | Dilute hydrochloric acid | Hydrochloric acid | Hydrochloric acid gas | Hydrogen chloride (HCl) | Muriatic acid
De minimis Limit %1
M,P/OU Threshould (lb)25,000/10,000
Listing TypeIndividually listed chemical
Effective Date01-JAN-87
Chemical QualifierYes
Chemical of Special ConcernNo
Per- or Polyfluoroalkyl SubstanceNo

Rulemaking Changes Affecting This Chemical

StatusEffective Reporting YearFR Proposed RuleFR Final Rule
Modified 199560 FR 57382 (11/15/1995)61 FR 38600 (7/25/1996)

Default Percentages for Section 6.1 Transfers

% of §6.1 to §:
Structural image
Structural representation of Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size)