Nonylphenol (includes 6 specific compounds)

Chemical NameNonylphenol (includes 6 specific compounds)
Category IDN530
Category DescriptionThis category includes only those chemicals listed below.
CASRN Chemical Name
104-40-5 4-Nonylphenol (p-Nonylphenol)
11066-49-2 Isononylphenol
25154-52-3 Nonylphenol
26543-97-5 4-Isononylphenol
84852-15-3 4-Nonylphenol, branched (Branched p-nonylphenol)
90481-04-2 Nonylphenol, branched
De minimis Limit %1
M,P/OU Threshold (lb)25,000/10,000
Listing TypeChemical category
Effective Date01-JAN-15
Chemical QualifierNo
Chemical of Special ConcernNo
Per- or Polyfluoroalkyl SubstanceNo

Rulemaking Changes Affecting This Chemical

StatusEffective Reporting YearFR Proposed RuleFR Final Rule
Added201578 FR 37176 (6/20/2013)79 FR 58686 (9/30/2014)

Default Percentages for Section 6.1 Transfers

% of §6.1 to §: