Polychlorinated alkanes (C10 to C13)

Chemical NamePolychlorinated alkanes (C10 to C13)
Category IDN583
Category DescriptionIncludes those chemicals defined by the following formula:
where x = 10 to 13;
y = 3 to 12; and where the average chlorine content ranges from 40-70% with the limiting molecular formulas C10H19Cl3 and C13H16Cl12
De minimis Limit %See notes
Polychlorinated alkanes (C10 to C13): 1.0, except for those members of the category that have an average chain length of 12 carbons and contain an average chlorine content of 60% by weight which are subject to the 0.1% de minimis
De minimis Notes1.0, except for those members of the category that have an average chain length of 12 carbons and contain an average chlorine content of 60% by weight which are subject to the 0.1% de minimis
M,P/OU Threshold (lb)25,000/10,000
Listing TypeChemical category
Effective Date01-JAN-95
Chemical QualifierNo
Chemical of Special ConcernNo
Per- or Polyfluoroalkyl SubstanceNo

Rulemaking Changes Affecting This Chemical

StatusEffective Reporting YearFR Proposed RuleFR Final Rule
Added199559 FR 1788 (1/12/1994)59 FR 61432 (11/30/1994)
Structural image
Structural representation of Polychlorinated alkanes (C10 to C13)